Thursday, July 25, 2019

Introduction to Augmented Reality and ARCore (1) - Introduction to augmented reality (AR)

사내에서 AR 스터디를 하는데, 코세라에서 조금 더 공부를 해 보고자 큰 맘 먹고 29$ 결제를 해서 듣게 되었다. ARCore는 부수적인 내용이고 사실 AR이 뭔지에 대한 이해 그리고 AR을 구현하려면 어떤 지식이 필요한지에 대해 이해를 하는 강의라고 보면 된다.

개발자인데 AR에 대해서 아무것도 모른다 싶으면 아래 Google AR VR 유튜브 채널에 가서 동영상 구경 몇 개 해 보면 뭔지 감이 올 것이다.

AR도 공부를 하다 보면 Unity 깔고 C# 코딩 부터 시작한다기 보다 optical & video 즉 computer vision을 공부한다는 느낌이 더 강하다. 마치 ML을 배우기 위해 python 먼저 코딩하는 것 보다는, math, data analysis, data modeling, data visualization 등을 이해하는게 더 중요한 것처럼.

강의 video는 완료하면 다시 볼 수 없으므로 각 주제별 summary text를 긁어서 정리를 해 볼까 한다.

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This class will teach you the fundamentals of augmented reality (AR), and how to build an AR experience using ARCore. Through the four week course, you'll learn:

- How to identify different types of AR experiences
- Tools and platforms used in the AR landscape
- What makes AR feel "real"
- Popular use cases for AR
- How to create an AR use flow
- How AR experiences work
- Tools like Google Poly and Unity to build AR experiences
- Next steps to start building an AR experience using ARCore and other tools

This course will break down complex AR concepts to make them easy to understand, while also sharing expert tips and knowledge from Daydream's ARCore team. The course is great for beginners who are just getting started with AR or ARCore.

Introduction to augmented reality (AR)

What is AR?

Now that you’ve gained a basic understanding of what augmented reality is, it’s important to understand how it differs from VR.

The most obvious difference is in the hardware itself. A VR experience must be viewed in some kind of headset, whether it’s powered by a smartphone or connected to a high-end PC. VR headsets require powerful, low-latency displays capable of projecting complete digital worlds without dropping a frame. AR technology does not share this requirement. You can hold up your phone and have a headset-free AR experience any time.

Augmented reality is direct or indirect live view of a physical, real-world environment whose elements are "augmented" by computer-generated perceptual information. Virtual reality is the use of computer technology to create a simulated environment, placing the user inside an experience.

Both technologies enable us to experience computing more like we experience the real world; they make computing work more like we do in regular life-- in a 3D space. In terms of how the two technologies are used, think of it like this. VR transports you to a new experience. You don’t just get to see a place, you feel what it’s like to be there. AR brings computing into your world, letting you interact with digital objects and information in your environment.

Generally speaking, this difference makes AR a better medium for day-to-day applications, because users don’t have to shut out the world to engage with them.

  • Humankind’s first foray into immersive reality through a head-mounted display was the “Sword of Damocles,” created by Ivan Sutherland in 1968.
  • HMD is the acronym for “head-mounted display.”
  • The term “Augmented Reality” was coined by two Boeing researchers in 1992.
  • A standalone headset is a VR or AR headset that does not require external processors, memory, or power.
  • Through the combination of their hardware and software, many smartphones can view AR experiences that are less immersive than HMDs.
  • Many of the components in smartphones—gyroscopes, cameras, accelerometers, miniaturized high-resolution displays—are also necessary for AR and VR headsets.
  • The high demand for smartphones has driven the mass production of these components, resulting in greater hardware innovations and decreases in costs.
  • Project Tango was an early AR experiment from Google, utilizing a combination of custom software and hardware innovations that lead to a phone with depth-sensing cameras and powerful processors to enable high fidelity AR.
  • An evolution of Project Tango, ARCore is Google’s platform for building augmented reality experiences.

Types of AR experiences

  • Shopping and retail
  • Business
  • Social media
  • Gaming
  • Education
  • Healthcare
  • Nonprofits

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