1. Introduction to augmented reality (AR)
1. Introduction to augmented reality (AR)
The basics of AR functionality
What makes AR feel real?
Enables: motion tracking for AR
Accelerometer: measures acceleration, which is change in speed divided by time. Simply put, it’s the measure of change in velocity. Acceleration forces can be static/continuous—like gravity—or dynamic, such as movement or vibrations.
Gyroscope: measures and/or maintains orientation and angular velocity. When you change the rotation of your phone while using an AR experience, the gyroscope measures that rotation and ARCore ensures that the digital assets respond correctly.
Phone Camera: with mobile AR, your phone camera supplies a live feed of the surrounding real world upon which AR content is overlaid. In addition to the camera itself, ARCore-capable phones like the Google Pixel rely on complementary technologies like machine learning, complex image processing, and computer vision to produce high-quality images and spatial maps for mobile AR.
Enables: location-based AR
Magnetometer: gives smartphones a simple orientation related to the Earth's magnetic field. Because of the magnetometer, your phone always knows which direction is North, allowing it to auto-rotate digital maps depending on your physical orientation. This device is key to location-based AR apps.
GPS: a global navigation satellite system that provides geolocation and time information to a GPS receiver, like in your smartphone. For ARCore-capable smartphones, this device helps enable location-based AR apps.
Enables: view of real world with AR
Display: the display on your smartphone is important for crisp imagery and displaying 3D rendered assets. For instance, Google Pixel XL’s display specification is 5.5" AMOLED QHD (2560 x 1440) 534ppi display, which means that the phone can display 534 pixels per inch—making for rich, vivid images.
In order to seem real, an AR object has to act like its equivalent in the real world. Immersion is the sense that digital objects belong in the real world.
Breaking immersion means that the sense of realism has been broken; in AR this is usually by an object behaving in a way that does not match our expectations.
Placing is when the tracking of a digital object is fixed, or anchored, to a certain point in the real world.
Scaling is when a placed AR object changes size and/or dimension relative to the AR device's position. For example, when a user moves away or towards an AR object, it feels like the object is getting larger or smaller depending on the distance of the phone in relation to the object. AR objects further away from the phone look smaller and objects that are closer look larger. This should mimic the depth perception of human eyes.
Occlusion occurs when one object blocks another object from view.
AR software and hardware need to maintain “context awareness” by tracking the physical objects in any given space and understanding their relationships to each other -- i.e. which ones are taller, shorter, further away, etc.
The magic of AR: detecting, sensing, and understanding
- There are two basic ways to track the position and orientation of a device or user: outside-in tracking and inside-out tracking.
- Outside-in tracking uses external cameras or sensors to detect motion and track positioning. This method offers more precision tracking, but a drawback is the external sensors lower the portability.
- Inside-out tracking uses cameras or sensors located within the device itself to track its position in the real world space. This method requires more hardware in the AR device, but offers more portability.
- On the AR headset side, the Microsoft HoloLens is a device that uses inside-out tracking. On the VR headset side, the HTC Vive is a device that uses outside-in tracking.
- On the AR mobile side, the Google Pixel is a smartphone that uses inside-out tracking for AR.
Inside ARCore: the building blocks of augumented reality
- ARCore integrates virtual content with the real world as seen through your phone's camera and shown on your phone's display with technologies like motion tracking, environmental understanding, and light estimation.
- Motion tracking uses your phone's camera, internal gyroscope, and accelerometer to estimate its pose in 3D space in real time.
- Environmental understanding is the process by which ARCore “recognizes” objects in your environment and uses that information to properly place and orient digital objects. This allows the phone to detect the size and location of flat horizontal surfaces like the ground or a coffee table.
- Light estimation in ARCore is a process that uses the phone’s cameras to determine how to realistically match the lighting of digital objects to the real world’s lighting, making them more believable within the augmented scene.
- Feature points are visually distinct features in your environment, like the edge of a chair, a light switch on a wall, the corner of a rug, or anything else that is likely to stay visible and consistently placed in your environment.
- Concurrent odometry and mapping (COM) is a motion tracking process for ARCore, and tracks the smartphone’s location in relation to its surrounding world.
- Plane finding is the smartphone-specific process by which ARCore determines where surfaces are in your environment and uses those surfaces to place and orient digital objects. ARCore looks for clusters of feature points that appear to lie on common horizontal or vertical surfaces, like tables or walls, and makes these surfaces available to your app as planes. ARCore can also determine each plane's boundary and make that information available to your app. You can use this information to place virtual objects resting on flat surfaces.
- Anchors “hold” the objects in their specified location after a user has placed them.
- Motion tracking is not perfect. As you walk around, error, referred to as drift, may accumulate, and the device's pose may not reflect where you actually are. Anchors allow the underlying system to correct that error by indicating which points are important.
The current challenges facing AR today
- Currently AR has a lack of user interface metaphors, meaning that a commonly understood method or language of human interaction has not been established.
- The purpose of the interface metaphor is to give the user instantaneous knowledge about how to interact with the user interface. An example is a QWERTY keyboard or a computer mouse.
- The details of what makes AR challenging from a technical standpoint are complex, but three influential factors are power, heat, and size.
- AR requires high processing power, batteries generate heat, and a current challenge is fitting all the necessary components into a small enough form factor to wear on your face comfortably for extended periods of time.
- Not everything in AR has to be 3D, but the vast majority of assets, applications, and experiences will require at least a little 3D design.
- Currently, there is a limited base of people with 3D design and interaction skills, such as professional animators, graphic designers, mechanical engineers, or video game creators. For AR to grow, the adoption of 3D design theory, skills, and language needs to become much more widespread. Later on in this course, we’ll be discussing a few programs that are helping overcome this challenge, like Sceneform or Poly API.
- Computer vision is a blend of artificial intelligence and computer science that aims to enable computers (like smartphones) to visually understand the surrounding world like human vision does. This technology needs to improve in terms of object detection and segmentation to make AR processes more effective.
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